FEA analysis, dyno tuning, and praying to the LS1 Gods has helped us design a brand new option to an old design. Our new high lift hot cam uses the same basic design, duration, and lobe separation to keep the mean idle of the original gm hot cam, but allows us to make more power while keeping a stable and quiet valvetrain. How much more power? How about 10hp MORE then GM’s original hotcam with no extra tuning on a 99 ls1 M6. Of course, just changing the cam isnt good enough, so we have added in a set of high quality heavy duty PAC Racing 1218 beehive springs. They drop right in and use all the stock parts.
What are the cam Specs?
Glad you asked!! 218/227 .600/.600 112+2 LSA
But wont the extra lift hurt performance or make more noise or wear my valve guides? In a short answer no, no, and no. The dyno graph below shows the power curve and its dyno proven to gain 10hp over the orig hotcam. Our customer video below also shows how quiet the valvetrain is as well. And as far as guide wear the cam lift is at .600 which allows us to use a great budget spring (Pac1218) and keep any issues to a minimum while having more power on tap!
Another built in bonus about this combination, it allows you to use your stock pushrods to keep the budget low, OR you can upgrade the pushrods for your peace of mind.
Perfect for any ls engine and does not require gear change or a higher stall torque converter either.
Customer feedback says it drives better than the orig hot cam, idles more aggressive, and is very quiet under the hood.
If your heads have been milled or surfaced, you are using a different thickness head gasket, or you are using a lifter other than stock, we recommend you measure for pushrod length before ordering pushrods. In our customers exp the stock prs or our rpmspeed prs have worked without issue.
If you want a cam that is easy to drive and tune and makes good power, this is the cam for you!!
Below are pictures of true track times. One on the left is with the original hot cam, the one on the right is with the new WS6store Hot Cam. Nearly 5mph gain in the 1/4 mile just with a cam swap!
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